Summer Leaders Experience
"For high school juniors: even if you are, like me, unsure about whether you want to pursue a future at West Point or the military, I encourage you to apply for SLE. There, I met many other intelligent, talented, and determined individuals I hope to see again in the future. The camp demands, but I believe I left a stronger person because of it"
-[Recent SLE participant]
What is SLE?
• SLE is a week-long immersion in academic, military, and social life for those considering attending the United States Military Academy. You'll explore the United States Military Academy from all angles, including some intense military training and athletic activities. It is an action-packed week, and it’s the best way for you to gauge the challenges you'd encounter and overcome as a United States Military Academy cadet.
• Mock R-Day
• Academic Workshops
• Military Experience
• Physical Training
• Weapons Familiarization
• Obstacle Courses
• Interaction with current cadets and West Point applicants from around the world

How to Apply.
Complete a Candidate Questionnaire between February 1st and March 15th, 2022 with the following information:
• GPA*
• SAT/ACT/PSAT Scores*
• List extracurricular activities and sports
*Primary evaluation criteria
Program Information.
• Session 1: May 28 - June 3, 2022
• Session 2: June 4 - June 10, 2022
• Candidates are selected based on the strength of the information they submit in the candidate questionnaire AND their geographic location.
• All SLE Admissions decisions will be made in April.
• Getting accepted or not getting accepted to SLE does not determine if you will or will not get accepted to West Point.
• Going to SLE does NOT impact your application with extra points. It is designed to help a candidate decide if USMA is right for them.

• Will SLE occur this year? We are planning for SLE to occur at West Point as in previous years. This is subject to change.
• SLE versus Girls/Boy's State? The decision is dependent on the strength of a candidates extra curriculars and their schedule.
• How much does SLE cost? SLE will costs approximately $500 - $550 per person, excluding transportation, which will cover room, board and gear. Transportation costs to and from West Point is the candidate's responsibility.
Tips for Success.
• APPLY NOW! You can continue to update with new test scores, but do not wait until the last minute to submit your candidate questionnaire.
• SLE kicks off the application process, so use the SLE application to start working on and planning the entire application. The process is a marathon and not a sprint and it is much easier to start in January then it is to start in September.
• Show up to SLE physically fit having already taken a mock Candidate Fitness Assessment so you know what to expect. If you take the CFA at SLE and pass, you will not need to do it again and will not have to worry about your CFA videos going through the review process.
• Go with a good attitude! SLE may be challenging, but it is an opportunity to experience something different, meet some great people, and determine if West Point is the right fit for you.

"As cliche as it may sound, I grew a lot as a person in this week. The camp forced me to assume confidence, because to survive challenges, I had to trust in myself: my body, my mind, my choices. I left SLE with more self-awareness" -[Recent SLE participant]
Visit to apply to the U.S. Military Academy, or to learn more about what it takes to join the Long Gray Line and become a leader of character as a West Point Cadet.